Ready, Get Set, GO!

By Magali Rocha, Fellow Class of 2016
Red Rocks Community College

“Si se puede”, is what my father always tells me. My parents never had the opportunity to attend college, much less high school. My parents also came to this country with nothing so that my siblings and I could have everything. My involvement in LSYWC not only gives me hope, but it also gives my family hope. The fact that I’m surrounded by people of my color, leaves my family at ease. My father’s greatest fear is that I forget about my culture and my roots, but this program reminds me that I should never think of myself less due to my race. 

The moment I applied to LSYWC, I knew that it was the next step towards my dream. What I’ve come to realize is that it doesn’t matter where you start, just as long as you start somewhere. What I enjoy about meeting with my mentors is that I can talk to each of them about anything. They all bring different personalities, experiences, and traits to the table. They’re open and check up on me on a daily basis. The gratitude I have for my mentors, taking time off their busy schedules, is infinite.

It is only the beginning for me, I know that my mentors and this program will be guiding and by simply being a part of this program, I'm already ahead of others. I look at Judge Arguello and I hope to one day be as inspirational as she is. I may not be able to change the world, but that will not stop me from changing someone's world.