LAW SCHOOL... Yes We Can is the proud recipient of the 2023 Alexander Award!

This award honors an individual or pipeline organization that has demonstrated exemplary leadership and success in expanding opportunities for and success of underrepresented students, including racial and ethnic minoritized communities, students with disabilities, and students who identify as LGBTQ+, along the educational pipeline into and through law school and into the profession.



LAW SCHOOL...Yes We Can's Executive Director, Dr. Kimberle Jackson- Butler, is featured in the newest edition of Denver Urban Spectrum Magazine - spreading the news about people of color. 


Learn more about Law School… Yes We Can! by watching our short video:




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“Sí, Se Puede” is a phrase born of farmworkers, who, under the leadership of the UFW, César Chávez, and Dolores Huerta, fought valiantly for equal protection under the law.  As a result of the efforts of the UFW, “Sí, Se Puede” has become well known as a call that engenders hope and inspiration in those who face similar battles. We thank the UFW, whom we acknowledge to be the sole and exclusive owner of the Trademark SI SE PUEDE, for granting us a limited license to use“Sí, Se Puede” in connection with our efforts to recruit, in Colorado, students of Hispanic or Latino descent for our law school pipeline program. For more information about the programs offered by the UFW, please see UFW’s webpage (; UFW Foundation’s webpage (; and UFWF’s immigration services webpage (